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Hi, I'm Zoe.

Welcome to my blog, The Canadian Creative! Here, I share all the fun things I am eating, doing, and wearing.

Thanks for partaking in my little slice of the world with me ❤

5 Resources to Help You Cope with Social Distancing

5 Resources to Help You Cope with Social Distancing

Coping with the current global situation has been a struggle for everyone. Routines have been uprooted, families and loved ones split up, and it is hard to know when all this uncertainty will cease and we will be able to get back to normal. I’ve obviously taken a hiatus from the blog to figure out my own ‘new normal’, at least for now. Over the last few weeks, I’ve accumulated and brainstormed a number of extremely useful resources to help when coping with COVID-19 and social distancing, and I figured I’d share them with you to help ease some of your stress and anxiety!


If you haven’t already noticed, there are loads of great resources on social media, more specifically on Instagram, as of late. I’m talking gyms that are doing live, at-home workouts, musicians that are playing live gigs from their living rooms, and of course Chrissy Tiegen is cooking. On a platform with so many people and pretty much unlimited potential, Instagram has become the place to find anything and everything you need to help maintain your daily routine! Search up your fave artist, sweat alongside your fave trainer, or cook up a storm with Chrissy, and be sure to use IGTV as a source of positivity in this trying time.


We are luckier than ever to have so much unbelievable technology. We can see and speak to loved ones on the other side of the world, but more importantly, we can support local businesses that are struggling right now to stay afloat. By using food delivery services such as foodora, DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc., we’re able to get the foods that we crave from the restaurants we love, straight to our front doors without having to step outside! I know I’m ordering mac and cheese from Bobby Sue’s for delivery ASAP. Not only that, most major grocery stores and even some pharmacies offer delivery services now. So be sure to #StayHome while still getting all the food and supplies you need.


Not too long ago, Netflix released a Google Chrome extension called ‘Netflix Party’ that allows you to stream tv and movies with your friends and family! It synchronizes video playback so you can play and pause together, and even adds a group chat function to your favorite shows so you can comment on all the best scenes at the same time. Not to mention, the tons of other streaming sites like CraveTV, Amazone Prime Video and now Disney+, the options are endless. I find that watching Disney always breeds positivity, so for a quick pick-me-up, that’s definitely my platform of choice!


I’ve mentioned this on my social media, but I’ve recently been teaching myself how to code. HTML, CSS, and next up is JavaScript. The platform I’ve been gravitating towards to learn tons of new skills is SkillShare, but there are loads of options when it comes to learning something new online! YouTube Creator Academy, Google Digital Garage, and MasterClass just to name a few. You can also stay cultured at home with virtual tours of museums, theatres, and national parks. Visit the Guggenheim or the National Museum of Natural History, learn about the Hawaii Volcanos National Park or maybe Easter Island, and finish off with nightly streams of the Metropolitan Opera or Broadway HD. All of this and more, at your fingertips from the comfort of your couch!


When everything else seems too much to handle and coping with stress or anxiety feels impossible, there are always a huge variety of mental health resources that you can access from your phone or computer. Meditations apps like Headspace or Calm were designed to help you stay zen or get to sleep easier, Daylio can help you to check-in with yourself and keep track of trends, and when all else fails and you feel like you need some professional support, there are organizations such as CAMH and Morneau Shepell available to help. Here is a list of a few helpful articles to inform yourself/others about how to cope with this pandemic:

These organizations are also always looking for volunteers, so if you are willing and able, be sure to get more information on volunteering through their websites directly!

Social distancing doesn’t need to feel lonely. There are thousands of additional resources out there, and these are just a few. Adrian and I are keeping healthy, and we hope the same goes for you and your loved ones! Be sure to stay home as much as possible, and don’t forget to wash your hands. And finally, don’t forget to smile! ☺

My Quarantine Watch List

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